Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's time to disband the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA). Why would anyone want to continue paying for such a worthless entity? It's kind of like an Alaskan Eskimo buying an air conditioner for his igloo; in case it ever hits 90°F.  By eliminating this dysfunctional organization, we could reinstate a few essential government programs that the average US citizen has come to rely upon.

Lets take a look a some of the numbers.
  • Since 9/11/01, it cost over $60,000,000,000 (that's BILLION) to fund the TSA.
    • There have been over 25,000 security breeches on their watch.
  • The TSA Spent $36,000,000 on 207 devices that "puff air" on passengers.
    • All 207 are collecting dust in warehouses.
  • Like all government programs, they've become bloated. They planned for 16,500 "agents".
    • It has now grown to over 62,000 "agents". That's a 400% increase!
  • There are over 3,986 executives at it's D.C. headquarters that earn, on average, $103,852/year. There is one TSA executive that earns more than $5,400,000/year.
    • Keep in mind, these are government employees, not private corporations. They work for US! (supposedly)
  • More than 700 scanners have been installed since 2007 at a cost of $170,000 each.
    • These scanners are worthless. Why? Because they can't see anything concealed at your sides!
    • A total of 19 guns were found. That's a cost of slightly more than $6,000,000/gun found.
      • And not one of those belonged to a terrorist! Almost all of them were owned by lawfully, licensed citizens.
  • President Obama proposed a TSA budget that would raise the security fees from $2.50 to $7.50; each way.
    • Actual cost of that screening is $11.38.
  • There have been more than 16 individuals that flew 23 different times through U.S. airports since 2004, that were later identified, and accused of involvement in terrorist plots.
    • None was stopped or questioned.
  • The government budget for the TSA is over $7.6 billion and only $3.2 billion for "green energy".
    • Yet the government has eliminated the emergency extension for unemployment benefits for over 2 million US citizens and decreased the budget for "food stamps" by $8.7 billion that affects 1 in every 7 citizens.
Way to go Uncle Sam, for looking out for our own!

---=== UPDATE ===---

1. TSA's Behavior Detection Program a Costly Bust

Here’s the amount of money the Transportation Security Administration has spent for behavior detection officers to identify airline passengers suspected of being a high risk for terrorism: $900 million.

And here’s the number of passengers flagged by the program and charged with terrorism: zero. The TSA fully deployed the Screening of Passengers by Observation Technique (SPOT) program in 2007, and by fiscal year 2012, about 3,000 behavior detection officers were stationed at 176 of the more than 450 TSA-regulated airports in the country.

The officers "are intended to identify high-risk passengers based on behavioral indicators that indicate mal-intent," according to a report from the General Accountability Office.

Through the SPOT program, behavior detection officers "are to identify passenger behaviors indicative of stress, fear, or deception and refer passengers meeting certain criteria for additional screening of their persons and carry-on baggage," the report stated.

The officers can then refer passengers to a law enforcement officer for further investigation and possible arrest.

But the GAO concluded that the "published research we reviewed did not support whether nonverbal behavioral indicators can be used to reliably identify deception."

The GAO told the House Subcommittee on Transportation Security that for fiscal years 2011 and 2012, it analyzed the SPOT program at 49 airports and found that there were 61,000 passengers who displayed "behavioral indicators that indicate mal-intent."
Of those, 8,700 or 13.6 percent were referred to a law enforcement officer, and of the 8,700, only 365 were arrested — just 0.59 percent of the passengers flagged by the SPOT program.

And none of them was arrested for "terrorism."

Rather, they were charged with offenses such as possessing fraudulent documents, having an outstanding warrant, or drug possession.

Given the SPOT program's poor performance, the GAO clearly indicated its recommendation in the title of its report: "Aviation Security: TSA Should Limit Funding for Behavior Detection Activities."

Next up, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  aka: America's Gestapo!

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