Saturday, March 1, 2014

This one takes the cake.  Remember, this is America.  Or at least, it was.

Court Rules That School May Ban Patriotic Shirts 'For Safety'.

Once again, the idiotic state of California has made themselves the most ridiculous state in the entire Nation.  A small group of high school students, who in support of this wonderful Country, decided to wear patriotic tee-shirts depicting American flags, on Cinco-de-Mayo, a Mexican holiday celebrating the defeat of the French in 1862 at the battle of Puebla.  Because the high school administration was concerned of possible racial violence, the students wearing the American flag shirts were required to either remove their shirts or turn them inside-out.


As I said, this is AMERICA, NOT MEXICO!  If there's a threat of violence, then you must remove all of the Mexican references or have the Mexican kids remove or turn their shirts inside-out.  Better yet, don't allow the celebration of such a violent Mexican holiday!  After all, if it's about the possibility of violence, remove the issue (the Mexican flag).  They are welcome to back to "their" soil and celebrate all they want.  Oh wait, their country wasn't good enough for them.  That's why they came here, isn't it?


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